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Administration on its own includes the Chief Administrative Officer (C.A.O.), the Clerk, the Treasurer, all office staff and the Managers of each department. Collectively this group takes care of all the Corporate administrative services which includes the following key responsibilities:

  • To implement Council's decisions and establish administrative practices and procedures to carry out Council's decisions
  • To undertake research and provide advice to Council on the policies and programs of the municipality; and
  • To carry out other duties required under this or any other Act and other duties assigned by the municipality. 
The Administration of the Corporation discharges its' responsibilities by coordinating a whole host of functions but not limited to the following, answering public questions and inquiries, billings for taxation, water, landfill tipping fees, misc. billing relating to planning matters, processes all applications for planning, processes building permits, fire permits, entrance permits, dog tags, they direct all in-coming and out-going communications, co-ordinate Council agendas, prepare Council by-laws, resolutions, agendas and minutes and policies. They process payroll, accounts payable and prepare the various financial reports to Council. They co-ordinate all annual reporting to the Federal/Provincial Governments, prepare and process grant applications, prepare special funding reports and provide administrative support to Council and various Boards or Committees.

Department Managers:

The responsibilities of each manager is documented in their section of the web page. In addition to the duties described the municipality maintains general job descriptions for each position.
View the municipalities organizational overview chart.