McDougall Social Media Policy
Social media will provide the municipality with a tool to share information and communications with residents, visitors, partners, and other stakeholders. A social media policy provides the necessary guidelines to help achieve these goals while maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful online environment.
Comments and private messages including any of the following are considered a violation of our Social Media Guidelines and may be hidden, deleted or not responded to:
• Profane language and/or content and/or defamatory statements;
• Personal attacks on individuals, groups, events or ideas;
• Content that infringes on another’s intellectual property rights (i.e. copyright, trademarks, design and patents);
• Content of a religious nature that might be deemed prejudicial;
• Content that can be considered a commercial endorsement, advertisement or solicitation of an individual or an individual business;
• Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination or harassment under the Ontario Human Rights Code;
• Content with the intent to inflict harm;
• Sexual content, dangerous and/or illegal activity of any kind;
• Content of a confidential nature pertaining to the Municipality;
• Personal information about an identifiable individual other than the person posting the comment;
• Content that promotes any candidate and/or materials for federal, provincial or municipal elections or for Council appointments;
• Derogatory comments about members of Council and/or Municipal employees and/or Municipal services and/or other levels of government;
• Any content that is determined to be inappropriate in the opinion of the Director of Corporate Services/Clerk and/or CAO.
The Municipality of McDougall Social Media Policy is available here (PDF)
PLEASE NOTE: The Municipality of McDougall social media platforms are not monitored 24/7; regular business hours apply. If you would like to request a service or report an issue to the Municipality, please visit the Staff Directory page or call 705-342-5252. |
Municipality of McDougall Official Social Media Sites