This page contains links to the most commonly requested forms, licenses, applications and permits used by the municipality. They are organized by department alphabetically. How forms are filed will depend upon the requirements of the application. If the document requires attachments (ie. sketches, diagrams, surveys etc.) and a payment of a fee or a deposit, these need to be filed together all at once and will normally require you to mail them or bring them to the office. A document or application will not be worked on or considered received until all required filings have been received at the municipal office. If you do not find what you are looking for here, try each department's individual category or call the office at (705) 342-5252
- Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Form (pdf 143kb)
- Pre-Authorized Utility Payment Program Form(169kb)
- Change of Address Form (pdf 2,706kb)
- Request for Vendor Payment by Direct Deposit (pdf 79.6kb)
- Business Registration Permit, By-law 2006-08 (pdf 29.7kb)
- Hawkers/peddler License, By-Law 2006-08 (pdf 18.2kb)
- Dog License (pdf 176kb)
Fire Department
- Day Burning Permit (pdf 352.18kb)
- Superior Tanker Shuttle Evaluation Certificate (pdf 108kb)
Planning and Zoning
- Minor Variance Application (pdf 631kb)
- Rezoning Application (pdf 420kb)
- Shore Road Allowance Application (pdf 1690kb)
Public Works
- Entrance Permit Application (pdf 185kb)
- Unopened Road Allowance (pdf 8.3kb)
Facility Rentals
- Community Hall Rental Form (pdf 228kb)
Waste Management
- Landfill Commercial Account Application (pdf 1,106kb)
- Water Connection Application (pdf 1.16mb)