Tax Bills and Rates

Property owners will receive a tax bill by regular postal mail twice a year.  The first bill, the Interim Tax Bill, is issued and mailed in February.  It is based on 50% of the previous year's taxes.  The second bill, the Final Tax Bill, is issued and mail in July.  It is calculated using the current year tax rate.  These bills will be sent, at minimum, 21 days prior to the due date.  It is important to ensure that we always have your most current mailing address on record so that you receive your tax bills and do not incur penalties.  If you do not receive your tax bill it is your responsibility to let us know.

If you are on a pre-authorized payment plan, or a mortgage plan, you will still receive your tax bills in the mail and this method of payment will be noted on the payment stub portion of the bill.

Pre-Authorized Payment Programs

The Municipality of McDougall offers convenient pre-authorized payment options for property taxes and utilities. By enrolling in one of our programs, you authorize your financial institution to automatically withdraw payments from your account on your behalf. We offer the following options:

  1. Property Tax Pre-Authorized Payment Programs:
  1. Utility Payment Pre-Authorized Program:

Other Payment Methods

  1. In-person payments / Interac:
    • You can make payments in person at the Municipal Office during regular business hours:
      • Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
      • Friday: 8:00 am – 11:00 am
  2. Cheque:
    • You can pay by cheque in person or by mail to the Municipal Office. We also offer a secure drop box for after-hours cheque drop-off. Please do not place cash in the drop box.
  3. Online Banking:
  • You can set up online banking for easy payments. Use your full 19-digit roll number (without spaces or decimals) as your account number for property taxes. For utility payments, your account number can be found on your bill. 

 For assistance with setting up online payments, please contact your bank or our office. 

  1. Credit Card, PayPal, or Interac eTransfer:
    • We do not accept credit card payments in the office or over the phone. However, you can make payments online via PaySimply, a secure third-party provider that accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Amex), PayPal, or Interac eTransfer.  Please allow 3-5 business days for processing. Note that a convenience fee will apply to cover PaySimply's payment handling charges.

To pay your Property Taxes, click here:
To pay your Utilities Account, click here:

For more information, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-342-5252.

Tax bill due dates
  • Interim property tax bills are sent out mid-February and are due in two installments, March 20, 2025 and May 22, 2025.
  • Final property tax bills are sent out mid-July and are due in two installments, August 21, 2025 and October 23, 2025.
 Other bill due dates
  • Arrears notices, are due as noted on the notice
  • Supplementary tax bill are due on the date noted on the bill
 Payment Plan withdrawal dates
  • Installment plans - the withdrawal date will be the installment due dates in March, May, August and October each year
  • Monthly plans - withdrawal dates will be the first day of each month from January to November.  There is no withdrawal in December
  • Mortgage plans - your mortgage company is expected to pay taxes on your behalf by the bill due dates

 Utility bill due dates

  • December 5, 2024
  • February 6, 2025
  • April 3, 2025
  • June 5, 2025
  • August 7, 2025
  • October 9, 2025
  • December 11, 2025
Penalty and Interest is applied at a rate of 1.25% per month, starting on the first day of the month following the due date.
Avoid penalties and interest charges by:
  • Not missing a due date
  • Ensuring we have your most recent mailing address
  • Contacting our office if you do not receive a tax bill
  • Set up a payment plan monthly or by installment
  • Contact your mortgage company to see about having them pay your property taxes on your behalf through your mortgage
The Municipality bills Supplementary and Omitted Assessments separately from the regular billing cycle, and issues them throughout the year.  The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) provides the Municipality with supplementary or omitted assessment values for the current year and up to two years prior retroactively to the date of substantial completion or occupancy, whichever comes first, when:
  • Land value is omitted from the assessment roll;
  • Use of the property changes; 
  • Property  is improved due to construction, an addition or renovation.
You will receive a Property Assessment Change Notice from MPAC informing you of the supplemental or omitted assessed value and date.  If you have any questions regarding your assessed value, please contact MPAC. 

Property owners can also visit MPAC's "About My Property" to view and confirm their property details

The fee for a Tax Certificate is $55.00.
Tax Certificate Requests can be made by the following methods;
  • Mail to Municipality of McDougall, 5 Barager Blvd., McDougall, ON, P2A 2W9
  • Fax to 705-342-5573 (include copy of payment)
  • Email to
Law Offices are asked to kindly provide the Municipality of McDougall with a copy of a registered deed after the closing of any sale of land within McDougall's boundary.

2024 Tax Rates (pdf 206kb)
2023 Tax Rates (pdf 201kb)
2022 Tax Rates (pdf 91.5kb)   
2021 Tax Rates (pdf 181kb) 
2020 Tax Rates (pdf 85.5kb)

Ownership Updates

Law Offices are asked to kindly provide the Municipality of McDougall with a copy of the registered deed after the closing of a transaction.  We can not change any ownership records without a copy of the registered deed.

New Property Owners

Congratulations on your new ownership status.  Please note:

  • We require you or your lawyer to provide us with a copy of your registered deed to update our records with your information;
  • The property tax department will send the next tax bill to you as the new owner.  If you have any questions, please contact our office;
  • The owner is responsible for paying property taxes by the due dates; and
  • The owner is responsible to ensure that they provide current mailing address information

Address Change

If you have an address change, please notify our office by filing out and submitting the Address Change form.  The form can be mailed, dropped off to our office or emailed to

MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) is responsible for assessing and classifying properties in Ontario.  The assessment  values provided by MPAC is what is used to calculate your property taxes. 

For more information on how your assessment will impact your property taxes, please see the MPAC website page How Assessment Works.

If you have any questions about how your property has been assessed, please follow this link to MPAC's website page, Understanding Your Assessment.  Or you can visit About My Property where you can register for an account to learn more about how your property was assessed, view the information that MPAC has on file and compare your property to others in your neighbourhood.  

Tax adjustments can be requested if one of the following has affected your property:

  • A building is destroyed by fire
  • Demolition or otherwise
  • Sickness or extreme poverty
  • Gross or manifest clerical/factual error
  • Building is damaged and substantially unusable
  • Ceases to be liable at tax rate it was taxed
  • Repairs or renovations prevented normal use (for a minimum of 3 months) during the year

Fill out a Section 357/358 Form and return it to the Municipality of McDougall to request a tax adjustment.  The deadline for a Section 357 is the last day in February of the year following the taxation year to which the application applies.  The deadline for a Section 358 is December 31 of the current year.