Asset Management Plans

The Municipality of McDougall is a geographically large Northern Municipality with a relatively low and seasonal population of 2,604 households. This means a low taxation base and a large number of roads, bridges and waterworks piping to service the area with limited Municipal Staff. Existing infrastructure is ageing; funding is being cut while demand is growing for better roads, bridges, water and waste water works. The solution to this expanding gap is how Municipalities manage assets now to ensure success for the future. The Asset Management Plan (AM Plan) includes the non infrastructures solutions, maintenance, renewal, replacement and disposal activities of infrastructure used to provide services. Asset Management is a not new concept; it has always been a primary function of local government.
The comprehensive Asset Management Plan for 2014-2024 can be found by clicking here. This plan is further broken up into each respective category for your convenience and found below:
Buildings (pdf 2612kb)

Waste Water System (pdf 4201kb)