Coronavirus (COVID-19)
We continue to follow the guidance of our local experts in Public Health. The situation is evolving and we are taking steps to help protect the health of our community.
The municipality is making every effort to maintain current levels of service, precautionary measures have been put in place to protect the community and municipal staff, and to reduce the spread of the virus.
Visit the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit website for information about the disease including, how to protect yourself, symptoms, treatment, and updates as they become available.
For up to date information regarding the virus in Ontario visit the Ontario Ministry of Health website. For up to date information regarding the virus in Canada visit the Public Health Agency of Canada website.
As additional information becomes available, communications will be made with regards to the West Parry Sound Area (Township of Carling, Municipality of McDougall, Township of McKellar, Seguin Township, Township of The Archipelago, Municipality of Whitestone and the Town of Parry Sound) through the Town of Parry Sound website and social media accounts. ,,
Municipal Operations During COVID-19
Municipal Operations
Individuals who would like to pay their municipal tax and water bills can do so online via or through your financial institution, send a cheque by mail, use the municipal office drop box.
Credit card payments for taxes or utility bills can only be paid online using Pay Simply at, credit card payments will not be accepted in the Municipal Office. Your roll number is required to complete tax payments, and can be found on your tax bill (begin with the number 4931). You must enter all 19 digits, without the decimal for the system to accept your account number.
For utility payments with a credit card online your account number is located on your utility bill.
Building Permits & Landfill payments will only be accepted by cheque. Debit payments can not be made until the municipal office is open. Cheques can be mailed or dropped in the municipal slot at 5 Barager Blvd.
For more information please call the Municipal Office 705-342-5252
If you require a fire permit (when fire rating permits), please contact the Fire Chief at 705-746-9227 or as permits will be issued on the phone and through email.
McDougall Water Tap: The water filling station at the public works yard/transfer station on Municipal Drive is use at your own risk.
The Municipality of McDougall takes the health of staff and and public very serious. Please contact the Municipal Office with any questions regarding the operations during the provincial shut-down.
West Parry Sound Health Centre Information Package
Homemade Community Cares Mask Depot
Current Hours – Monday – Wednesday 9am – 12pm
(Special Hours - Closed July 1st, open July 2nd)
Donations to the Hospital Auxiliary are being accepted, but not mandatory.

Rotary Club Grocery Delivery and Pick-up
Grocery Assistance & Volunteer Opportunity
A new website has been launched to connect people in the West Parry Sound area in need of a grocery drop off with local volunteers. This is being run in conjunction with the Sobeys and the Rotary Club program.
If you, or someone you know, are in need of a grocery drop off, you can now easily fill in a request form at and you will be connected with volunteers to shop and deliver the groceries and supplies to your doorstep.
If you would like to assist with shopping and deliveries, the website also has a place for you to sign up to volunteer or to donate.
For the most up to date information about Coronavirus COVID-19 in our community, visit
Donations Needed
The WPSHC has an immediate need for Scrubs, Lab Coats and N95 Respirators.
West Parry Sound Health Centre (WPSHC) is asking community members to donate any ‘scrubs’ or lab coats they might have at home.
Under normal circumstances, the health centre would have capacity to supply all appropriate staff with hospital-issued scrubs, but there are currently not enough to go around, and these items are on back-order.
All donated scrubs will be laundered and made available to clinical staff, separate from the health centre’s ‘usual’ supply to decrease the chance of people taking the virus out of the health centre.
The WPSHC is also in need of N95 respirators, if you have extras (expired is ok) donations would be appreciated.
Anyone with scrubs, lab coats or N95 respirators to donate can drop them off the following locations:
Parry Sound – Fire Hall, 4 Church Street Parry Sound, please leave in a sealed bag outside the front doors
Carling – Carling Rink, 2 West Carling Bay Road, Nobel, please leave in bin
McDougall – Fire Station 1, 10 Municipal Drive Nobel, please leave in blue bin at front door
McKellar – Fire Station 1, 1 Sharon Park Dr. McKellar, please leave in a sealed bag under the covered entrance.
Seguin – Humphrey Fire Station, 115 Highway 141
Whitestone – Fire Hall, 21 Church Street Dunchurch, please ring doorbell and leave in sealed bag outside the side door.
Nursing Stations – Please phone ahead and arrange for drop off, the nursing stations are not accepting any walkins due to COVID-19.
Pointe Au Baril – (705) 366-2376
Argyle – (705) 757-1717
Britt – (705) 383-2375
Moose Deer Point – (705) 375-9900
Rosseau – (705) 732-1095
Whitestone – Drop off at the fire hall
Student Nutrition Ontario - Nipissing, Muskoka, Parry Sound
Student Nutrition Ontario is offering assistance to children, youth and their families to ensure the needs of our community are met during this difficult and uncertain times as schools are closed, and children and youth are still hungry.
Families who wish to receive support are asked to register by emailing, names, address, phone number(s), number of children and the school the children regularly attend to or by phone at 705-476-3288 ext. 1611